When some agencies mention "unique escorts", they are trying to make them stand out. As if they are totally different from the other girls! But the true meaning of unique escort is that she stays with only one agency. It is a rare occurrence to find any of these girls in the escorting business, as most of the time they are listed with multiple agencies at once; And as you know, our Gurgaon escorts are ranked No.1 in the Gurgaon escort community.
Our Gurgaon escorts need to get maximum bookings to be successful. They need to be busy enough to cover their personal expenses, pay rent and bills and earn the amount they need before leaving home (if they are visiting an independent escort of course). And because we've got a wide variety of foreigner, Russian and Indian models, the models get lost in the other profiles. This is the most important reason why they list with multiple agencies. Only they can get more and more bookings.
So, it makes us very happy when we come across a model girl who wants to be represented by Gurgaon escorts. Mainly she wants to trust our agency enough and feel that we are good enough for her. When a model decides to be unique with us, we really do our absolute best to get as many jobs as possible. We advertise in many places, recommend her to our clients (if she's a totally unique escort or a good one), and generally work hard for her in every way.
If the model girl is getting enough work from the agency she uniquely goes with, then it is easy for her. When many of the models Gurgaon escorts are listed with multiple agencies in the city, it becomes difficult for them to trace where the bookings have come from. This makes it very difficult for them to figure out how much commission to pay to advertising agencies. Paying only one agency for their booking is easy!
A unique escort might not want too many bookings. So it makes sense for them to go with an agency. Then they don't get a lot of booking requests from multiple agencies. They can just tell their agent that they will be unavailable for a day or two, if they wish, and then they will be hassle free with any other agencies. This makes it very easy for the unique escort girls to spend their time in Gurgaon, and they do not feel obligated to accept bookings from the many other agencies. They feel great in their special visit to our beautiful city.
With this in mind, if you plan to book a model girl, it might be a very good idea to ask the receptionist at our agency whether we have unique escort girls available for booking. The unique girls are great for entertainment and erotic service, compared to those who are actually booking more in a day.
If you are an existing escort of Gurgaon escorts, and wish to be our unique one, just inform us and we are ready to help you out. If you are looking to become a Gurgaon escort, and want to work full time with Gurgaon escorts, we would be more than happy to have you. Just contact our receptionist, he will help you.